Tami Walker, Founder & Executive Director of CGgirls
Tami Walker
Tami has been stewarding the vision the Lord gave her for Common Ground since 2009. For over ten years, hundreds of women from different generations and denominations have been gathering for a girls night with a God focus. Tami loves to encourage other women to wholeheartedly seek His Presence and put action to their faith. In addition to serving CGgirls, Tami is on staff at Connection Church in Canton, Michigan as the Community Care Director and Women's Ministry Director. A first time bride at 44, she has been married to the love of her lifetime, Cal Walker since 2013. Cal blessed Tami with two beautiful adult step-daughters and made her a grandma to three amazing young boys. Four Favorite things: Hot, Black Coffee, Amazon Prime, French Bulldogs, and Traveling. You can contact Tami at Tami@cggirls.org, also keep up with her on Twitter Facebook or Instagram.
Christa Alberts, Worship Leader
Christa Alberts
Christa has been leading worship for Common Ground since our 2nd event in 2009. Christa has always had a special spot in her heart for the local church and multi denominations coming together as one to pray and worship the one true God. She loves seeing God touch women at each event and how He really changes lives and it's amazing to be a small part of that. Christa and her husband Adam have been married for 20 years and have two awesome children, Jack (12) and Sydney (4). Four of her favorite things are: Traveling, all things Disney, singing and worshiping my God, spending time with family and friends. Keep up with Christa on Facebook or Instagram.
Our CG Event Team: Liz Clark, Karen Acosta, Trish Kingsnorth, Sheila Tacy, Janet Gnagey, Tami Walker, Janice Brandon, Denise Rea, and Nora Syracuse.